Merry Christmas everyone!!
It's the eve of the 25th here already and we have so many Christmas memories to remember. There is however one story which I don't want to forget. My daughter Nicole who just turned 5 years old wanted a fruit and juice maker. It's like a blender but for kids. She has been bugging me to tell Santa about it. Last night, after hearing mass, we thought that instead of waiting for Christmas morning, we will let the kids open the gifts a few hours before Christmas eve so that the baby will still be awake. So when we were near the house, I told Nicole ... hey look... that was Santa waving to me!! He is up on the roof and just left with his reindeers! I told Nicole that Santa visited her first because she was such a good girl. Nicole was so excited! She wanted so much to get her Christmas gift, but she also hated the fact that she missed seeing Santa! When she went to the Christmas tree, she immediately spotted her gift. SHe opened it and was soooooo happy. I thought that was it... come sleeping time, Nicole kept asking me to tell her about Santa. After a few stories, Nicole became teary eyed! She was actually missing Santa! She said, mommy I miss Santa already! She kept crying out Santa's name. She asked me to stop buying toys so we can save money for a trip to North Pole so we can visit Santa. She wanted Santa to deliver the gifts of every child first and save the last stop for her so that he can have time to play with her. hehehehe. She is so sweet. I love that she believes in the magic. But now this mom needs some help. How do I deal with this situation???
Have a merry Christmas everyone!!